Do I have to pay my Attorneys?
The short answer is no.
Usually your Attorneys will be either family members or very close friends. However, you can appoint professionals, such as solicitors, accountants or financial advisors, as your Attorneys if you wish or if you don’t have any family members willing or able to act.
If you do decide to appoint a professional as your Attorney, they will charge for the time they spend in dealing with your affairs. This can either be on an hourly rate time spent basis or you could agree a fixed annual or monthly fee with your professional Attorney so that you are able to budget correctly.
If you do not appoint professional attorneys and appoint family members or friends, they can claim expenses from you for things such as hiring a professional to do things like fill in your tax return, travel costs, stationery, postage and phone calls.
Your Attorney would be advised to keep receipts for everything they claim from you just in case their actions are ever called into question.
If you are Attorney and require assistance or if you wish to make a Lasting Power of Attorney, please call us now on 01257 686386.